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Found in the Fifty

creator + curator + designer


Found in the Fifty was created in 2011 with the goal of highlighting a resurgence of American manufacturing and increasing awareness in others to support domestic production and small business. Modern design and fashion seemed like an exclusive European club until talented American based designers and makers started to multiply. My excitement over both the design world and the “Made in the U.S.A” movement inspired the creation of this resource to find modern American made


Rachel Marshal – logo design and creative director


Cocooon Bags

designer + retailer


Millions of disposable plastic produce bags are put in the trash every day causing a growing environmental problem. Cocooon is a reusable alternative created to help make an impact towards reducing waste.

Cocooon is made with a material that is 100% high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and can be recycled for reuse in a number of other products.